Luna and her devoted crew embark on a thrilling endeavor – the third installment of HorrorScopes Anthology. This time, they delve into the eerie realm of the Babylonian Zodiac, unveiling the enigmatic Dark Zodiac. For Luna and her team, this project is not just another film; it’s a canvas to showcase their exceptional talents and craft something truly chilling for audiences worldwide.

Join Luna and her team on this thrilling odyssey, where the magic of filmmaking converges with the allure of the Dark Zodiac. Together, let’s make this horror movie an unforgettable masterpiece, complete with gallons of blood – because what’s a horror movie without it, right?

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Your support will not only fund a film but also enable a passionate team to bring their favourite nightmares to life on the big screen, leaving an indelible mark on the world of cinema.

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A Personal Thank You from Luna Wolf

We are filled with overwhelming gratitude as we reflect on the incredible journey of our Indiegogo campaign. Your unwavering support has not only propelled us toward our fundraising goal but has also ignited a spark of inspiration that will fuel our project for years to come.